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  • Writer's picturevaleri guevarra

How to Stay Fit during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Updated: Jul 24, 2020

By Valeri Guevarra, Founder of Teen Health 101

Gyms, schools, yoga studios, pools, and more continue to remain close for the indefinite future, so how does one attempt to remain fit while stuck at home? Here are my top tips and recommendations.

Youtube Videos:

Best for those who do not have a workout buddy, struggle with motivation or counting reps on your own, and/or like to workout with someone doing it in real-time with you.

Chloe Ting:

Her free workout programs:

  • The Australian Ting has a following of 3 million subscribers and total views of nearly 300 million. She is a fitness influencer who has many videos categorized for various goals: stronger core, flat tummy, lean arms, tight butt, etc. On her blog, she also has 10 free structured workout programs where you complete 1-4 videos a day to reach your goal. Ting’s single workout videos run on the short side of 10 minutes, but her structured programs total 30-50 minutes her day. Ting has also uploaded videos on reacting to videos of those who have tried workouts and meal plans to help you get into the best shape.

  • Her structured workouts are the best for those looking for an everyday supplement for staying active and achieving physical goals in an allotted time frame. On the other hand, those who would like to create their own or simply stay active on a smaller scale can browse her Youtube videos catered to their needs.

MadFit/Maddie Lymburner

  • The Canadian blonde has a following of 2.3 million subscribers and total views of nearly 40 million. The fellow fitness influencer uploads similar videos from stretches and ab routines. She is most known for her choreographed workouts with popular songs, like Senorita and Circles. Lymburner’s only content outlet is her two Youtube channels where one is for all workout routines while the other follows her life and includes “What I Eat in A Day” types of videos. Her video routines run on the longer side of 20-30 minutes per video, but she does have a variety that catered to all levels and needs.

  • Her routines are best for those who like variety from day to day and for those looking to create their own personal workout by choosing different videos.


  • The app created by Chris Hemsworth combines all of his world-class trainers, nutritionists, and yoga instructors into one place to help you become the best you possible. The app has everything one could need to help start becoming healthier, such as blogs with recipes, a daily planner, and videos that instruct pilates, yoga, and strength training. Workouts can easily be filtered to accommodate what tools and fitness equipment you have available at home. The program is a subscription service ranging from $10-$30 based on how long you will be subscribed, but right now, the program is offering a free 6-week trial between now and April 5.

  • The famous app for being the best way to count calories gets on this list because of its workouts emailed and posted to their blogs. Very simple and easy way to get your workouts. Best for those who already know the basics and just need some lists and reminders of options that can be done at home to achieve said goal. Of course, their blog also includes healthy food recipes.


  • Horford is from Michigan (happens to be the only American in this article). Her workouts are simple as they are just lists on the description of the post with the post being clips of her doing 1-2 example reps. Her posts include workouts of all types: abs, strength, thighs, etc.

  • Ricketts is from the United Kingdom. Similar to Horford, her posts have simple to follow listed out workouts in the description. I prefer Horford as her whole Instagram is dedicated to mainly workouts, but I included Ricketts as another Instagram option.

p.s i personally use Chloe Ting's workouts and Madfit's stretches and I LOVE IT

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1 comentário

Olivia Van Siclen
Olivia Van Siclen
14 de abr. de 2021

This is great!

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