Physical Health
Often, physical health is the first thing's that come into mind when thinking of the concept, "health".
What is physical health: the condition of the human body - internally and externally.
There are many factors that are taken into account regarding a person's physical health such as:
Diet, level of physical activity, and habits (smoking or drinking)
Human Biology
DNA, body type, height
Sunlight (for Vitamin D), household environment (smoking, drugs, etc.),
Healthcare Accessibility
Limited access to healthcare can leave some more vulnerable to all illnesses while the opposite allows some to remain healthy for longer periods of time.
Below are all the available Physical Health Articles:
You really should exercise. Here’s why:
Mental Health Benefits of Exercise
Everything you need to know about running.
Staying Active During the School Year
Keeping Your Skin Healthy in Summer
Teen Health 101, from an Ocean Away
Interview With Our Founder: Valeri Guevarra
Why Teen Health 101: Why You Should Have Access to the Information We Provide
My Experience with Teen Health 101 as a Contributing Writer
STDs: The Importance of Screening
Substance abuse in the LGBTQIAA+ Community: The Causes and Road to Recovery
How Talking Helps
Tanning Beds: Is There a Safe Way to Tan?
The Consequences of Social Media Use
Skincare Routine: Why Should I Have One And Where Do I Start?
Beauty Standards Through The Ages
The Importance of Practicing Self-Love
Adopting a Pet: Unexpected Benefits
What COVID-19 Has Taught Us.
Exercising Empathy on Social Media
Red Flags in Relationships
Love Languages and Relationships
Benefits of Art On Mental Health
FOMO No More
Body Positivity Vs. Body Neutrality
Friendships vs Romantic Relationships: Where Do You Draw the Line?
Health At Every Size
Body Positivity: Is It Really Positive?
Caffeine: Why Society Depends on Coffee
Be You, Be True
New Year, New Goals
The Mind on Music: Neuroscience and Art
7-Day Fitness Challenge, Baby (solves all your problems)
Winter Break 101
Growth Mindset: The Link Between Plants and Mental Health
The Worries of Wintertime Workouts
Easy exercises to do during the winter
Life on Pause
Underage Drinking: The Real Effects
Trans, Unsaturated, and Saturated Fats - What do they mean?
BASKETBALL: Overcoming COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions
Self Love is the Best Love
Good Days start with Good Mornings
The Same Old Cycle: Period Poverty
The Real Truth behind Obtaining “Abs”
Substance Abuse in Teens
Suicide Prevention Month
Exercise: The impact on our mental health and cognitive function
Binging on Skincare
How does social media affect mental health?